
燃呀马德里 第一季 更新至5集完结

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分类:欧美剧 西班牙 2018



  Madrid 1961. Ana Mari is a spinster, lame, a follower of Franco and an instructor in the Female Section. Following Franco's orders, she begins to work as a maid at Ava Gardner's home with a mission of spying on her. For this, she must pretend to be married to Manolo, a hustler who will become the American actress' chauffeur. Manolo tries to take advantage of his position for his dodgy dealings with gypsy clans, and ends up involving Ana Mari and her schizophrenic brother, Floren. Little by little, this leads to an intimate relationship between them. Together with a young maid, Pilar, they will serve during the continuous parties that Ava and her circle enjoy in the Dolce Vita reserved for the elite in Madrid. Parties that will create growing tensions with her downstairs neighbors, none other than General Perón and his wife, recently exiled from Argentina.

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